
Nick Agertoft: I would like to feel Polish atmosphere during the matches

He started in his native Denmark, Germany, in Poland supporters saw him in Wieslaw Rutkowski memorial in Pila in 2019. A good performance in Pila was granted to him with a 3 year contract in Gniezno.

Born and living in Horsens, Denmark, 19-years-old is going to spend his second season in Gniezno, still waiting for a chance to perform in league meeting in Polish 1 League.

Ada Franek ( Could you introduce yourself to your Polish fans?
– My name is Nick Agertoft. I am hard working man, who burns for speedway. When I was 3 years old, I sat on TV and I saw Nicki Pedersen and I said: 'I want to ride like this!’. When I was 5 years old, my father took me on a speedway course to give it a try. Since then speedway and I are inseparable.

– When are you going to live this season?
– I am still going to live in Denmark.

– How did you spent 2020 season? You didn’t rode too much, especially in Gniezno.
– 2020 was a still season for me. Danish Superliga was cancelled, in Poland I didn’t rode as many times as I hoped to. I raced in Slangerup and I helped the local team to get a gold medal. I also raced in Randers, I won and I’m still undefeated on this track.

– Do you think that your position of U-24 rider can improve your situation? Are we going to see you on track this season?
– I had one training in Gniezno, I think it was a very good training for me. Adam Fajfer was my mechanic. I started to prepare my bikes 100 percent for this season, so I can show my worth in Poland and Denmark. I would like to feel Polish atmosphere during the matches, I’m looking forward to this.

– What are your plans for 2021?
– This season I’m going to ride in Vojens Speedway Club in Division 1, Grinsted in Super Liga and U-24 in Gniezno. I am going to show my worth, so I hope to have a great season starting as much as I can.


Dodane przez
Ada Franek

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