English version

Daniel Andersson: My dad was the one who made me start riding (interview)

Daniel Andersson in an interview for TwojPortalZuzlowy.pl tells about the beginning of his career, racing in Poland and about his son who will follow his path.

Konrad Cinkowski (Twój Portal Żużlowy): First of all, how did it all begin for you?
Daniel Andersson: My dad was the one who made me start riding. He had a speedway bike so the interest began that way.

– Do you remember the first competition that you have watched live?
– I remember that I got to see Per Jonsson compete on 80cc. I got in touch with Per through my father who knew Jonsson family.

– Do you remember your debut?
– Around my first competition I turned 12 years old and as I recall it went quite well.

– You have managed to win a few of international and domestic medals. How can you rate your career now from the perspective of time?
– I remember Junior World Cup in 1995 year. I was second after fall in heat for a gold.

– How do you remember your time in Zielona Góra, Rybnik and Gdańsk?
– In Zielona Góra I didn‘t take part in so many competitions but the ones, that I participated, in went well and I enjoyed my time in this club. I do not remember much about Rybnik unfortunately. I remember that I had to drive with Tony Rickardsson in Gdańsk and I joined the team at the end of the season. There were 5 races and there was a lot of pressure from the beginning beacuse of the fact that Gdansk could be relegated.

– Do you have any contact with your teammates from previous polish teams? I mean, people who are working there, like directors, mechanics, coaches etc.
– I’m in touch with Piotr Protasiewicz. I’m mostly talking with my colleagues from Indianerna Kumla where I was a team leader. We met there more often.

– In 1995 you won the Jan Ciszewski Memorial in Swietochlowice. How do you remember this meeting?
– I remember that I was in the final with Jason Crump and when the tapes went up his engine cut off. It felt good to win against him.

– How much speedway has changed from years when you were active up to now?
– There is a lot that has changed. I think the biggest changes came in speedway bikes and safety procedures such as the air fence.

– You were the coach of Indianerna Kumla for a while. Do you have any function in any club now?
– I did 9 seasons as a team manager and I am no longer present in the club.

– Your son (Wille Bäckström) is a speedway rider just like you. Was it obvious from the beginning that he will follow your footsteps?
– It became natural for him to start racing and he was always by my side. From the young years he was very interested in speedway.

– How do you mark his skills? Will he be as good as you or even better?
– He has great talent, he is fearless on track and he races really tough so everything is in his hands.It takes hard work to succeed in becoming a top racer, but I will help him as much as I can.


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