Nathan Greaves: I am keener than ever for the season to start

Nathan Greaves is a well-known rider in the United Kingdom. In the past he was a part of Wolverhampton Wolves team that was a force to be reckoned with in the SGB Premiership. He was also a part of the national team competing in international tournaments. In the 2021 season he will be racing for Edinburgh Monarchs and Armadale Devils.

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Kevin Juhl Pedersen: Wybrzeże Gdańsk have a lot of good riders (interview)

Kevin Juhl Pedersen is one of the new riders of the Polish club – Wybrzeże Gdańsk. Dane in interview with tells among others reason last season in its performance and why signed contract in first polish league.

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Nick Agertoft: I would like to feel Polish atmosphere during the matches

He started in his native Denmark, Germany, in Poland supporters saw him in Wieslaw Rutkowski memorial in Pila in 2019. A good performance in Pila was granted to him with a 3 year contract in Gniezno.

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Daniel Gappmaier: Maybe one day we will have a world champion coming from Austria

Daniel Gappmaier is currently one of the best-known speedway riders from Austria. For couple of years now he is competing in SGB Championship, where he scores points for Berwick Bandits. In 2020 he was supposed to start his fifth season in this team.

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Grand Prix is returning to Terenzano. Paco Castagna: It’s a big step forward for Italian Speedway

After eight years Speedway Grand Prix is returning to Italy. On 24th of April the best riders in the world will begin their quest for the title in Terenzano. One of the riders, who knows every inch of that track is Paco Castagna.

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Luca Bauer: I drove as if it were my first races in my life

Name Bauer is already well-known in the world of ice speedway. For many years german fans were amazed by stunning performances of Günther Bauer. Last Sunday in Tomaszow Mazowiecki we could see in action his son – Luca. Rider from Germany, that starts with italian licence, have managed to score 5 points, which gave him 11th place.

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Mike Hack: I am hopeful that we can stage the competition next year in Australia

The 2021 Cycle Speedway World Championships are scheduled in Adelaide, Australia. The ICSF’s General Secretary hopes the event will be possible to run Down Under, but he also works on a plan 'B’.

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James Shanes: I was a different person by the end of the four months

This year season in United Kingdom was unfortunately postponed. We all know the reason – pandemic. Due to this situation, many riders were forced to lock their bikes in garage and look for different sources of income. One of them was James Shanes, who during last few months was… working on a farm.

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